Produkte von Prigipo

2004 brachte uns ein beundernswerter Lehrer durch die Liebe zu handgefertigten Schmuck zusammen. Seit dem versuchen wir alles zu kreieren, egal ob es tragbar ist, oder nicht. Die Zeit verging und Prigipo entstand aus der Liebe, Schmuck zu erschaffen. Wir, Kelly und Kalomira sind die Gründer, aber wir haben auch viele helfende Hände. Eine Konstatne sieht sich durch Prigipo von Anfang an. Wir lieben es, Schmuck herzustellen.
Prigipo stammt aus Griechenland.
Back in 2004 an admirable teacher brought us together through the love of handmade jewelry. Since then we were constantly looking for excuses to construct anything at all, even if we were never going to wear them ourselves. As time passed, Prigipo was brought to life and the love we had for handmade jewelry seemed to be ever-growing. Prigipo has undergone a lot of changes through the years, met great progress, it is now accompanied by beautiful people and stories, it has its own existence, over and within Kelly and Kalomira. One constant, though, has always been there and driving us: at Prigipo we create jewelry because we love doing just that.