Elfentür Weihnachten Winterwonderland foggy blue von Fabelab

15,00 € * 30,00 € * (50% gespart)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Tage**

  • SW12198
Wo kommen die kleinen Elfen her? Wie schaffen sie jeden Dezember aufs neue, es in unsere Wohnung... mehr
Produktinformationen "Elfentür Weihnachten Winterwonderland foggy blue von Fabelab"

Wo kommen die kleinen Elfen her? Wie schaffen sie jeden Dezember aufs neue, es in unsere Wohnung zu kommen und weihnachtlichen Glanz zu verbreiten? Moniere diese Elfentür bei dir zu hause etwas versteckt, denn Elfen sind scheu. 

30cm, Tür und Briefkasten 100% Plywood, Leiter 100% Bambus

Where do the little elves come from? How do they manage to come into our home, spreading magic and sometimes mischief, every December? Through their very own Elf Door of course! Mount this supercute Fabelab Elf Door Winterwonderland somewhere in your home, a little hidden - (as elves are notoriously hard to find!) and begin to tell your family's very own Elf story - maybe the Fabelab Yeti or Iceskating Girl live inside?

The 2021 Fabelab Christmas Collection is inspired by magical adventures in the Land of Fabelab. Let your imagination walk you through Fabelab's Enchanted Forest, where you can smell the scent of Christmas and meet the lovely character Bob the Bear. All his friends are invited into the warm and cosy Gingerbread House, where it always smells of freshly homemade cookies. There are stockings for everyone and even the Yeti has come to join. Ice skating girl, Bob and Yeti, what a bunch to have a party with.

Well hidden in the Enchanted Forest, in between trees that feel giant as we immerse into a whimsical world of lovely creatures and nostalgic elements. In the Fabelab Christmas collection, you can discover a wonderland of Christmas decorations and gifts, from nostalgic and traditional to playful new characters. Pleated hearts, a beloved Scandinavian tradition and mistletoes spread love amongst the guests. Giant candy canes and drums bring us back to a childhood filled with memories of Christmas magic.

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